
Gina Joy Carano began her career as a Muay Thailand fighter. She was also dubbed The Face of Women's MMA. She began as an Muay Thai fighter and won the title of"The Face" for Women's MMA. With 12 victories under her credit, she boasts an impressive Muay Thai history. This is the first time that an American woman has taken home a Muay Thai championship in Thailand. As a child, she studied gymnastics and ballet jazz tap. She also excelled at volleyball, basketball and softball. Jiujitsu and wrestling are two other disciplines she is taught. She is a winner with seven wins and one loss in her MMA. She is a huge MMA celebrity, she became popular due to her powerful of the ring, as well as attractiveness. She's been an actor in Hollywood blockbusters such as Haywire, Fast & Furious 6' and others. Hollywood smashes. Her reputation was often criticized for the way she used her sex appeal to gain a foothold in her profession. The harsh criticisms never dampened her winning attitude and the fans kept pouring out their affection on her. Because of her incredible power, her will and character She is an inspiring character to a large number of.

Gina Gina Gina Gina Gina


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